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Public Safety

Emergency Communication Radios
All public safety personnel were equipped with more than 2,000 new 800MHz radios for emergency communication. The radios that had been in use were no longer in production and were nearing the end of their support life.
These new radios provide those in Marion County the assurance that responding public safety professionals can quickly and accurately communicate.
Status: More than 2,000 new radios have been distributed to public safety personnel across the county, including Sheriff's Office, Fire Rescue and Animal Control staff.
First Responders' radio traffic is now fully encrypted to help keep them safe.

800MHz Tower Replacement & Upgrades
Replacement of an 800MHz radio tower in southern Marion County and upgrades to existing equipment. These improvements will increase emergency radio system coverage in southern Marion County.
Status: Complete

Consolidated Communications Center Upgrades
Construction of an on-site bunkroom at the CCC. This will be utilized for training purposes as well as providing lodging and bathing facilities for essential emergency staff required to shelter on-site during declarations of emergency.
Replacements for all console workstations at the CCC, to ensure emergency personnel are able to receive and disseminate essential information as quickly and accurately as possible.
Status: Complete

Backup Emergency Operations Center
Construction of a backup public safety answering point / disaster recovery site, which will provide a scaled replication of the primary communications center should that site go offline, and ensure continuity of emergency dispatch service should that site go offline or an evacuation of the primary location be required.
Status: Complete